Grease Filter 250x250 Replacement using Existing Frame

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Grease Filtered Eggcrate Grille Replacement using your EXISTING frame
Filter Frame Size 250x250


  • Manufactured in high quality aluminium extrusion profile.
  • Hinged grease removable filter.

There to serve to keep all of the grease that cooking smoke contains out of the extraction vents to avoid them being clogged and more expensive cleaning tasks being necessary.

Grease Filter Maintenance

To maintain efficiency, these filters should be removed regularly (approximately monthly) and washed using hot soapy water.

Cleaning your extractor hood filters is a simple process:

Remove your filters carefully from the grille and do the following.
  • Fill your sink, a large pan, or a large bucket (big enough to fit the filter in) with boiling water and mix in baking soda and dish soap
  • Put the filters in the hot water and let them soak for at least 10 minutes
  • After they’ve soaked, scrub them gently with a brush (make sure it’s not too stiff a brush to avoid damaging the filters), rinsing occasionally until all of the grease build up is cleared
  • Rinse thoroughly and pat dry or allow to fully air dry
  • Reinsert the filters into the gtille