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Fantech Trade

Our team live and breathe ventilation. We provide the best advice, the best products and back it all up with support for our customers. You know that when you’re dealing with Fantech Trade, you will get the best product for the job.

Not all fans are created equal. Get your fan choice wrong and you’re opening yourself up to a range of problems. Choosing the right fan for the job from the beginning will save you time, money and a huge headache. That’s where we come in, Fantech Trade are the Ventilation Specialists.

Our team is made up of Ventilation Specialists, many of whom are ex-sparkies, so we never underestimate the importance of qualified tradespeople. Everything that we do is to support the skilled tradespeople across Australia and New Zealand.

Our large range of quality products is available exclusively through our network of wholesalers. Our support is always available to our wholesalers and tradespeople who have access to our team’s extensive knowledge. Fantech Trade is a division of Fantech, the leading ventilation company in Australia. Fantech’s commitment to innovation and high performance products flows through our team so we are proud to offer the best ventilation solutions to all our customers.

We believe in fully supporting our network of stockists across Australia and
New Zealand with the biggest range of ventilation products supplied exclusively to the trade.